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2024 Spring Engineering Project Showcase 

April 26, 2024 (In-Person Judging)

Zachry Engineering Education Complex, College Station, TX 


If interested to join us as judge in future events, please email us at inp@tamu.edu.


2024 Showcase Booklet

2024 Showcase Winning Teams

2024 Showcase List of Participating Teams

2024 Showcase Pictures of Winning Teams 



Student Teams

The Engineering Project Showcase event is designed to showcase senior capstone team projects representing 1,000+ students from several engineering majors including: AERO, BAEN, BMEN, CSCE, ECEN, ISEN, MEEN, MMET, MSEN, and other.


Industry Judges

Industry representatives are invited to join us as judges. Come and judge the work of our amazing students and provide feedback. Help us recognize the top teams for their innovative approaches in solving real-world challenges.


Showcase Goals

Industry Engagement: Raise awareness about amazing opportunities for industry sponsored capstone projects.
Retention: Support retention efforts by exciting lower classification students about engineering.
Recruitment: Raise STEM awareness with prospective students and teachers.


Sponsorship Opportunities

The Engineering Project Showcase offers a great opportunity for industry to support engineering innovation and recognize top teams within majors of interest to their organization. Join us and celebrate the innovators of tomorrow! Sponsorship opportunities start at $2.5k. For more information check details under Sponsors tab or email us at inp@tamu.edu. 

Information From Past Events